The Organization. Our core Values. Our Beliefs.

Human life Initiative Organization is a Non-governmental Non-Political and Non-religious national NGO, which was established in April 2010 by a group of Somali intellectuals. However, the organization initially started as a Community based organization in the year 2005. Hence it was driven by community initiatives and participation for all, but the CBO members realized the need to refocus the priorities and reform the organization as a National non-Governmental organization in 2010 with a clear structure that is run by a management team appointed by the Board of Directors. The aim is to improve the protracted livelihoods crises of disadvantaged people, facilitate emergency programs and promote peace and development projects to respond to the existing problems on the ground among which a lot of community groups have suffered from it.
Among these problems are both natural and manmade disasters which have to do with persistent drought, famine and seasonal floods in southern Somalia which the local residents had experienced periodically.
HI is committed to improving the suffering of the most vulnerable groups by providing them with the tools and resources needed to become self-sufficient


Due to years of marginalization, conflict and other re-current shocks, Somalia continues to be characterized by high levels of needs and vulnerabilities.
North and South-Central Somalia continuously display low development indicators, poverty and the prevalence of acute malnutrition that are significantly higher than the rest of the country.

Security restrictions and violent incidents have resulted in a challenging operational environment for residents, development organizations and other institutions.


HI organization’s Board of Directors and Executive Directors have been trained in order to strengthen and improve the capacity to appropriately act in response to humanitarian situations.
They have taken the following training:

Project Cycle Management

Participatory Monitoring and Evaluation

Disaster Risk Reduction

Conflict Mitigation, Prevention, and Management

Good Governance and Social Ethics


In addition to that, the staff both Project Staff and the Support Staff have participated the following training offered by Oxfam-Novib Strengthening of Civil Society Organization in Somalia (SOCSIS II GF); Hi staff participated and received training on the development of ISPP (Organizational “Internal System Policies and Procedures”) to uplift the standards of the organization’s capacity and its effectiveness to respond to emergencies in our target areas. Major topics covered, include:

Human Resource Management/Planning,
Management Practice
Financial Management
Governance, Leadership, Advocacy and Programming (GLAP).
Service Delivery
External Relations
Organizational Sustainability
Gender and Sphere
Community Management Disaster Risk Reduction (CMDRR).
Gender Policy in Emergency